Embarking on a transformative journey, our team has meticulously reimagined the Europ Assistance customer zone to meet the evolving needs of today’s digital-first clientele. This project has been a pivotal step in redefining user experience, introducing a suite of enhancements designed to integrate seamlessly with the brand’s refreshed web presence.
Revolutionizing a Customer dashboard for Insurance Company
At the heart of this overhaul is the introduction of a transparent refund system, crafted to empower customers with the simplicity and clarity they deserve when managing their insurance policies and submitting reimbursement requests.
We’ve discarded the complexity of the past, opting for a minimalist and intuitive design that aligns flawlessly with the new website aesthetics. Our commitment to user-centric innovation is reflected in every element of the redesign, delivering a customer zone that’s not only visually appealing but also functionally superior, ensuring every interaction is straightforward, efficient, and satisfying.
Option 1
Option 2
Design option 1
Our redesign tactfully balances new features with the old design’s familiarity, ensuring that existing customers experience a smooth transition without a learning curve. This strategic choice enhances user satisfaction by offering a seamless and intuitive interface upgrade.
Design option 2
Our second design option transforms the customer zone into a vertical scroll layout, prioritizing a clean and straightforward presentation. This design establishes a clear hierarchy, guiding users naturally through their insurance details. The emphasis on simplicity ensures that customers can easily find and understand their information, elevating the overall user experience with intuitive navigation.
Final design
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