Client Challenges

Lead Generation Services

Unleashing potential with high-quality leads and increased Sales


At The Growth Agency, we specialize in lead generation, a critical aspect of any successful business. Our advanced lead generation services are designed to drive more sales by bringing in high-quality leads. We focus on delivering real results that promote your brand and increase your bottom line.

Experiment-Driven Approach

We believe in the power of experimentation. Our team tests all possible channels and scales only those that work. This approach ensures that you receive the most qualified leads at the lowest customer acquisition cost. We are committed to delivering value and driving your business growth.

Inbound Focused Strategy

Our lead generation strategy is inbound focused. We create the right types of content that cater to your buyer persona, keeping their stage in the customer journey in mind. This strategy increases your most qualitative traffic source: organic traffic. We understand that each lead is a potential customer, and we strive to attract and engage them effectively.

Conversion Optimization

A highly converting website is the most effective way of generating leads. If your website doesn’t convert, it’s like pouring water into a leaky bucket. We ensure your website is optimized for conversions, turning visitors into leads and leads into customers.

What we do

Comprehensive lead generation services

We offer a wide range of lead generation services, including:

  • Lead generation campaigns
  • Lead nurturing
  • Lead scoring
  • Auto triggers & actions
  • Sales process mapping
  • Optimizing lead management
  • LinkedIn automation
  • Live chat setup
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Landing page creation
  • Visitor recordings
  • SEO services
  • Ideal client profile creation
  • CAC / CLTV calculation
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Customer journey creation
  • Growth experiments
  • Lead generation tools

Our Approach

Why choose us for defining your growth roadmap?

The right mindset

The right people with the right mindset are crucial for your growth challenges. We create a dedicated team of growth marketers for every client, ensuring personalized and focused service.

Data-driven approach

We believe in the power of data. We create a KPI dashboard to get a grip on your customer lifetime value and return on investment. This data-driven approach helps us optimize your advertising & marketing spend.

We get the job done

Your ROI is our holy grail. We don’t stop tweaking until we meet our KPI’s. Even if this means we have to dig deep. We are committed to delivering results that drive your business growth.



Everything you need to know about our SEO services. Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Please chat to our friendly team on Whatsapp

We can typically start up a new project in 2 weeks.

Before we start, we will make sure that there is proper tracking on all your digital channels. After this setup phase, we will build you a growth dashboard where you can see your results. Next, we will define the KPI’s with you. Afterwards, we are going to define the growth experiments we want to develop and once we get your approval, we will start implementing!

We work with package prices that are tailored to your needs. The typical pricing of a lead generation track will be between 3.000€ and 5.000€ per month.

You will see the first results within the first month. You can always access your data dashboard whenever you want. On top of that, we have bi-monthly status meetings where we run you through all the experiments and the results and define next steps and optimizations.


Hear what our satisfied customers have to say and see how we can help your company grow – maybe you’ll be the next success story

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